Contractor electrician - Valento | Vacancies Construction & Engineering

ZZP Elektromonteur: een zelfstandige professional in actie

Als ervaren elektromonteur heb je wellicht al eens nagedacht over de voordelen van het werken als zzp’er. Bij Valento hebben we alle informatie voor jou op een rijtje gezet, zodat je goed geïnformeerd aan de slag kunt gaan. Als zzp elektromonteur kun je bij ons profiteren van verschillende voordelen, zoals flexibiliteit, eigen baas zijn en de mogelijkheid om zelf je uurtarief te bepalen.

Daarnaast bieden wij interessante opdrachten aan in zowel de constructie als de bouw, waardoor je als zzp elektromonteur veel diversiteit in je werkzaamheden kunt ervaren.

Why should I start working as a self-employed person at Valento?


  1. Valento is an established name in the construction world of Limburg, and are also working hard to conquer the engineering sector as well. In fact, we are in contact with many different construction companies in the province. Our portfolio ranges from small family businesses to large clients. This means that, as a self-employed person, you always have a choice between different types of projects at Valento. Fully in line with your expertise and craftsmanship.


  1. Because of our good reputation, you not only have the choice between many different clients, but you also always have enough work. The busy job market fluctuates from time to time. In this area, you will never be short of work.
  2.  Afhankelijk van jouw ervaring, vakmanschap en de opdrachtgever kunnen wij een goed zzp tarief geven. Wij begrijpen dat de uurtarieven in de Randstad een stuk hoger liggen. Echter geldt dit ook voor salarissen uit loondienst. Relatief gezien is het leven rondom de Randstad nu eenmaal een stuk duurder. Denk hierbij aan jouw onderkomen, levensonderhoud en activiteiten.



zzp electrician at work with a socket

Where will you work?

Voor verschillende opdrachtgevers zoeken wij zzp’ers in de elektrotechniek. Je gaat aan de slag bij een opdrachtgever naar keuze. Door ons grote netwerk kun je de juiste keuze maken tussen kleine klussen of grote projecten. Onze opdrachtgevers reiken daarnaast van South to north Limburg. Plenty of choice to get started with a client that fully meets your wishes and needs!

Het werkgebied waarin Valento actief is binnen Nederland

What are my duties?

As an electrician at Valento, you have the choice between different types of clients. The activities will differ from each other. As a self-employed electrician, we expect you to be able to perform several of the following tasks independently.

  • Connecting new cables and creating cable ducts
  • Electronic work in residential and commercial construction, such as installing installations, connecting machines/devices and switching material
  • Conducting electronic tests using established protocols
  • The administrative maintenance of reports
  • PV systems and panel building
  • Possible connection of data and telecom
  • Work with energy meters, transformers, group distributors etc.
  • Troubleshooting and performing certain inspections
  • Performing maintenance on various installations (checking, cleaning and repairing if necessary)
  • Connecting meter boxes

What do I need?

To start as a self-employed electrician, you must have the following:

  • A VCA-Basic certificate
  • Liability insurance
  • Your registration at the Chamber of Commerce with VAT number and accompanying extract
  • Are you in possession of your own work bus and tools? Then this is an advantage!


What costs do I incur as a self-employed electrician?

  1. Registration KVK
  2. Business bank account
  3. Taxes
  4. Equipment/Tools
  5. Transport
  6. Marketing tools
  7. Insurance
    • Disability insurance
    • Corporate Liability Insurance
    • Legal expenses insurance
  8. Pension
    • FOR (Fiscal old age reserve)
    • Annuity
    • Investing

Would you like a detailed explanation of all the costs? Then check out our page becoming self-employed.

Would you like to become self-employed in the electrical engineering sector? Or are you looking for more information about becoming an independent contractor?

Registering as self-employed

More information about becoming self-employed 

electrician working on a suspended ceiling

Most frequently asked questions

The hourly wage for a self-employed electrician in Limburg is between € 25 and € 40. We know from experience that hourly rates are much higher in the Randstad. However, this also applies to salaries from salaried employment. Relatively speaking, living in the Randstad is simply more expensive.