Vind de baan die bij jou past
Since its establishment in 2016, Valento Jobs has grown from an employment agency to a full-service project organisation, specialising in the construction and engineering sectors, among others. As a client, you can rely on us for a total package of professional staffing services and related services.
Read moreNever had any problems working with Valento, and have been together for almost 3 years. Thumbs up!
Nie Probleme gehabt arbeite mit Valento, seid fast mehr als 3 Jahre zusammen. So much for that!
Zvonko Manasijevic
Top cooperation from beginning to end, thanks!
Joshua Verhoeven
Honest and professional
Rzetelnie i fachowo
Karina Kaczmarek
I'm working for Valento since 2017. I started with logistic. Later I moved to the construction sector where I work till now. I can recommend Valento to foreigners who would like to start working in the Netherlands, as well for people who already live here. Payments always on time, friendly people in the office.
Kiril Korcevoj
My experience with Valento was very positive. They work very professionally and are very helpful in finding a job that suits you best. Also while you are working, they remain very involved with what you are doing and they regularly inquire about your findings. From my side I say a top company.
Maurice Mullenders
I would recommend. Everything in accordance with the contract, money on time.
(Original) Polecam. Wszystko zgodnie z umową, pieniądze na czas.
Damian Galert
Professional service and approach to the customer (employee), a top temporary employment agency!
Obsługa i podejście do klienta(pracownika) profesjonalne Godna uwagi agencja pracy
Józef Wiszowaty
Professional, reliable and solid agency.
Ralf Orl
Ben jij op zoek naar een uitzendbureau in de bouw, techniek of in een andere sector? Valento Jobs bemiddelt tussen werkzoekenden en toonaangevende werkgevers. Op uitzendbasis of projectbasis (detachering). Maar ook als je op zoek bent naar een baan in loondienst. Voor zzp’ers gaan wij op zoek naar interessante opdrachten, waarbij je volledig je zelfstandigheid behoudt.
View vacanciesConstruction is our main business. We have access to a wide variety of candidates. This way, we can quickly provide you with the right skilled workers and high-end professionals. Because we know the construction sector inside out, we can supervise your project from A to Z.
De uitdagingen in verschillende sectoren stapelen zich op. Sinds de regelgeving rondom zzp’ers steeds strenger wordt, staan veel bedrijven voor een lastige keuze: hoe gaan we om met zzp’ers die terug moeten naar loondienst? Wij begrijpen dat dit een enorme druk op uw organisatie legt. Gelukkig is er een oplossing die uw zorgen wegneemt én uw flexibiliteit behoudt: payrolling via uitzenden of detacheren via ons bureau. Lees er alles over via deze link.
Read moreTemporary employment is the hiring of a temporary employee through a temporary employment contract. The employee receives a contract with flexible hours, flexible assignment duration and a short notice period. Secondment is the hiring of a seconded employee via a secondment contract. This means that the employee receives a fixed-term contract - often for the duration of a year - with fixed hours and income. If your assignment ends prematurely with secondment, you will continue to be paid and we will look for a new assignment for you.
Are you curious what Valento can do for your organisation? We are happy to discuss it with you. Because making an offer is customised and depends on your wishes and needs. We are interested in your issue and like to think in terms of solutions. Let us know how we can be of service to you. Together to results - Success through people!